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Code de produit : 70TKF42000L

  • Operation pression 14.7 PSI
  • Isolation
  • Dish head top
  • Dish head bottom
  • Manhole
  • Exit outlet and racking arm 1 1/2" TC
  • Hygienic valve 1 1/2" TC
  • Pressure and release valve 1 1/2" TC
  • Valve Spunding / Bundling 1 1/2" TC with pressure gauge
  • Carbonation stone titanium
  • 3 butterfly valves 1 1/2" TC
  • Gaskets, Clamps 1 1/2" TC
  • Finish In/Out #4
Code Taille
70TKF40500L 500 L
70TKF41000L 1000 L
70TKF41500L 1500 L
70TKF42000L 2000 L
70TKF43000L 3000 L
70TKF45000L 5000 L